David has 30 years in ‘C suite’ executive roles, with local and corporate experience in global markets across a diverse range of industry sectors including his role as Managing Director for an ASX listed company and Managing Director of a SE Asian sustainable consulting and investment advisory group.

David works closely with a proven network of corporate investors/buyers, finance associates and investment specialist on the restructure, expansion, and growth of companies – with a focus on sustainability and delivering “positive social and environmental impact outcomes”.

He has successfully overseen and managed corporate restructures, including the consolidation of 700 retail sites into one consolidated national; national re-invigoration of a leading entertainment/licensing company; successful integration of new capital into an ASX listed company, and successful funding for global clients, including a division of the European Investment Bank (EIB).


Bion Energy is principal stakeholder in 3 other companies:


Hygea Blu Ltd                    Medical and PPE goods and services

Hygea Blu – Global Ltd         Poverty Alleviation focus on Islamabad Pakistan

Fusion Blu Ltd                    Emission reduction device


Together with the above Bion Energy actively supports and assist with many innovation businesses within the UK as well as overseas.

David Peter Hunt